Alaska Bush People

The Clock is TICKING to Save the Everglades | Swamp People: Serpent Invasion (S4)

With only two days left in the hunting season, veteran hunter Troy Landry calls an urgent meeting with his team to strategize and make the most of their remaining time. The goal: to control the invasive python population in the Everglades, a task that requires every ounce of their skill and determination.

Strategic Planning

Understanding the urgency of the situation, Troy and his fellow hunters decide to revisit areas they previously hunted. This tactical move aims to catch the snakes they missed earlier in the season, ensuring no stone is left unturned in their mission. The decision to retrace their steps underscores the meticulous and strategic approach necessary for effective population control.

Return to the Ranch

Troy, accompanied by Tes, heads back to a friend’s ranch, a known hotspot for large pythons. The duo quickly spots their quarry—large pythons burrowing into holes dug into tree roots. These serpentine giants have eluded capture so far, but Troy and Tes are determined to turn the tide.

Devising a Capture Strategy

Recognizing the significance of capturing a big pregnant female python, Troy and Tes devise a strategy to efficiently catch this critical target. Removing a pregnant python from the ecosystem can prevent the birth of potentially hundreds of new snakes, making this a high-priority objective for the team. Their plan involves a combination of patience, precision, and tactical expertise, all aimed at outsmarting their elusive prey.

Armadillo Holes: A New Challenge

During their search, the hunters discover that many of the holes they encounter were originally dug by armadillos but have since been taken over by snakes. This unexpected development presents both a challenge and an opportunity. The snakes’ use of these ready-made shelters makes it easier for them to ambush prey and evade capture. However, for Troy and his team, these holes provide a strategic advantage—concentrating their search in these areas increases their chances of finding and capturing the pythons.

Final Push

The final days of the season are a race against time, with every minute counting toward their goal of controlling the invasive python population. The hunters’ dedication to their task is evident in their relentless pursuit, strategic planning, and willingness to adapt to the ever-changing conditions of the wild.


As the season draws to a close, Troy Landry and his team exemplify the determination and resourcefulness required to tackle one of the Everglades’ most pressing environmental issues. Their efforts not only highlight the challenges of managing an invasive species but also the importance of strategic planning and teamwork in achieving conservation goals.

Stay tuned to see how Troy and his team fare in their final push, and whether their efforts will make a significant impact on the python population in the Everglades.

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