Alaskan Bush People

Revelations about Otto Kilcher – You didn’t know!

Otto Kilcher is a reality television star who is best known for his appearances on the reality television series “Alaska: The Last Frontier.” There have recently been rumors about his death, but these stories have been debunked as myths. For fans of his who are wondering what has happened to him, and for those who are interested in knowing more about the frontiersman’s personal life, here are 10 things you didn’t know about Otto Kilcher.

1. His Birthday

Otto Kilcher was born to Ruth and Yule Kilcher in the year 1952. This made him 67 years old as of 2019. Mr. Kilcher was born and raised in a rural area of Alaska and this is the only life that he has known, growing up on a homestead. He has learned many valuable skills throughout his life and it has made him such an interesting person that the Discovery Channel executives knew he would be a big hit with their viewing audience.

There are a lot of people who move to Alaska to begin homesteading because it is a life that seems more attractive than living amongst the hustle and bustle of the city. Otto has spent his life on a homestead, growing up in a small log cabin. What many consider to be stylish, retro and quaint, has been everyday life for him. The rustic homestead setting that he is accustomed to is not for the sake of decor, but rather, for practicality.

3. He didn’t grow up with modern conveniences

Kilcher grew up helping out with chores around the homestead which included doing farm work. Living on a homestead meant that many of the modern conveniences that people in the city grow up with were not available to him. As a child, he spent time playing in the canyons and in the woods when he wasn’t helping out with the necessary tasks associated with living on a homestead. He learned how to amuse himself with nature and the things around him.

Otto is a tinkerer and he started doing this while still a young boy. He had the time to examine the mechanical tools and equipment that were used on the homestead and figured out how everything worked. It soon became one of his favorite pastimes and he learned a great deal about fixing broken things in the process. He can examine machinery that he is familiar with and tell you what is wrong with it, and in most cases, how to fix it. This is a highly valued skill for homesteaders.

5. Otto Kilcher is a knowledgable cattle rancher

When you go to the supermarket to purchase beef, you might notice that the more expensive brands feature grass-fed beef. This is because it is the most healthy and is lower in fat than some of the other grain-fed types. Kilcher participated in cattle drives from an early age and he learned everything that was necessary about raising beef. Throughout his life, he has raised his own herd of cows which has kept his family in a good supply of healthier beef that is grass-fed.

We learned that Otto who is a genius when it comes to mechanical repairs and repurposing old mechanical items turned his skills and pastime into a lucrative business. He developed his own brand title that he calls Otto Machine. Although he has no formal education or training that is known, the self-taught mechanic and engineer has made a good living through the business as well as through appearances on the television series “Alaska: The Last Frontier.” His estimated net worth was $5 million as of the end of 2019. He has become a very wealthy man.

7. There have been rumors about his death

Otto Kilcher lives in a fairly remote area of Alaska and there is a lot about his history and what he’s been up to recently that remains a secret. Fans who are interested in knowing more about him might even call it a mystery. Otto had some serious health scares in his recent past which started in the early part of 2016. It was announced on the internet that he had died, and this story was circulated by multiple internet press outlets, so this led some fans to believe the authenticity of the statement, but was it really true?

8. He’s been the victim of an internet hoax

We learned that the Discovery Channel personality is alive and well. The rumors about his death were a hoax that somehow got perpetuated by multiple sources. This is what happens when you live off-the-grid and little is known about your everyday life when filming is completed for the season. Confirmation of the fact that he had to deal with a blood clot, surgery for a hernia and other issues fueled the rumors, but he is alive and well.

9. Kilcher is a nine-season veteran

Fans of the series “Alaska: The Last Frontier” have grown fond of Otto Kilcher. He’s an impressive guy who knows how to live a self-sufficient lifestyle. He has appeared on the television show for the past nine seasons and viewers enjoy learning how he has managed to build such an amazing life for himself as well as a fortune without so much as a college education.

Kilcher and his family are very blessed to have achieved a successful homesteading lifestyle. The family lives on a large piece of property that consists of 640 acres, situated in the wilderness of Alaska. They’re off the beaten path and that’s the way that they like it. The Kilchers have everything that they need to live a happy and fulfilled life, and Otto has built a fortune and a legacy for his family as well.

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