Donal Trump

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris spar over muting debate microphones.

As the September 10th presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris approaches, tensions are rising over the debate’s microphone format. Here’s what you need to know:

Ông Trump và bà Harris tranh cãi về quy tắc tranh luận | Báo Dân trí

  • Debate Showdown: The much-anticipated debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is set for September 10th, but disagreements about how the microphones should be handled are causing friction between the two campaigns.
  • Harris Campaign’s Stance: The Harris campaign is pushing for both candidates’ microphones to remain live throughout the debate. They argue that this approach ensures transparency and allows for uninterrupted discourse.
  • Trump Campaign’s Preference: While Trump has publicly stated that he is indifferent to the microphone arrangement, his campaign is advocating for a strategy that would mute his microphone except when it is his turn to speak. This tactic is seen as a way to control the flow of the debate and minimize interruptions.
  • Historical Context: In the previous election, both parties agreed to mute microphones as a way to maintain order during the debates. This precedent is now being revisited as both campaigns strategize for the upcoming event.
  • Expert Analysis: CBS correspondent Jared Hill provides insight into the contrasting positions of the Trump and Harris campaigns. The debate over the microphone format is seen as a reflection of broader strategic differences and could have significant implications for the tone and conduct of the debate.

As the debate date nears, all eyes are on how these microphone disagreements will play out and what impact they may have on the candidates’ performances.

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