Liam Issues a Warning to Finn — and Hope Gives Steffy Advice

The Bold and the Beautiful, Hope checks on Deacon, and Li warns Finn not to mess up his marriage over Sheila.

At his office, Finn tells Li he of course considers her his real mother, but Sheila gave birth to him. Li says Sheila gave him nothing but heartache and now she’s gone. Finn says because of his wife. Li says Steffy fought to save her life, and he needs to get over these feelings for Sheila before he alienates his wife. Li doesn’t understand how he can have sympathy for that maniac. Li doesn’t feel he should be mourning her and asks if Steffy knows how he feels.
Finn says he told Steffy that it’s complicated, not only because Sheila’s dead, but because Steffy killed her. Finn isn’t blaming Steffy for defending herself. Li says if Sheila stayed away as he told her to then she’d still be alive. Li notes he’ll never make sense of why Sheila went to the house, but he needs to think of his wife. Finn admits he slept here last night and doesn’t like being apart from Steffy. Li tells him that he needs to get his head on straight before he causes permanent damage to his marriage.
At the cliff house, Steffy thanks Liam for being here and listening to her. She still feels guilty that she killed someone. Liam says she was ambushed, and everyone knows that. Steffy says not everyone… Liam says she almost died, and she should be getting understanding from her husband. Steffy explains he’s trying to figure it all out, and she’s trying to put herself in his shoes.
Steffy believes she and Finn can survive this, they’ve survived many other things. Steffy just wants him to come home so they can work this problem out together. Liam gives her credit for being understanding, but there is no excuse for Finn not being here and putting her and the kids first. Liam assures Steffy that she and the kids can always count on him. She takes his hand.
Liam goes to Finn’s office, and Finn says it’s not a good time as he has a lot going on. Liam knows what happened, and he doesn’t get him right now. He knows he’s going through a thing. Finn is and feels he has a right to process this. Liam asks if he’s processing his psychopath mother being dead, or walking out on his wife? He says he was just with Steffy, and Finnsnaps at him to stay away from his wife. Liam is concerned about her and the kids. Finn says Steffy is fine now that his birth mother Sheila is dead. Liam doesn’t understand how he can talk about her that way, and it’s not fair to Steffy. Liam says it seems like Finn is blaming Steffy for almost getting murdered, and he’s prioritizing his grief over Sheila instead of being there for Steffy and the kids. Liam says at least Steffy has him, and he’ll make sure she feels safe and supported. He warns Finn if he isn’t up to the task, then he’ll be the man she turns to. Finn makes a face as if he’s trying not to laugh.
Deacon returns home and pours himself a drink. He thinks back to visiting Sheila in the morgue. Hope stops by knowing he went to the morgue and she thought he could use some company. Hope understands Sheila meant something to him. Deacon says he had to go see her, to say goodbye, and see her face one more time. He assumes she thinks he’s nuts caring for a woman who hurt so many people. Hope says she’s here for him.
Deacon says Hope and the kids are the only people he has in the world, and he’s grateful for them. Hope can’t lie and says it felt like he was choosing Sheila over them. He’s sorry he hurt her. However, she also knows he’s not alone, that Finn cared about Sheila too. Deacon didn’t realize Finn cared so much for Sheila, and Sheila just wanted to be accepted, and she isn’t here to see how much Finn loved her.
Steffy heads to the office and thinks about killing Sheila. Hope arrives and is surprised she came in today. Steffy says she had to get out of the house. Hope is sorry for what she’s been through. Steffy says she can’t get Sheila out of her head, and she was only trying to protect herself. Hope guesses it’s traumatizing knowing you had to kill someone. Hope doesn’t know if she could do it.
Steffy says she didn’t have a choice, she had to protect herself. Steffy is getting a weird vibe from Hope and thinks Hope would have done the same thing in her place. Hope was just trying to say this is a heavy burden to bear. She says she was talking to her dad… Steffy rolls her eyes. Hope says she can think what she wants about her dad, but don’t make the same mistake with Finn. She says Finn is a good man and needs time to grieve and process this. She knows they all hated Sheila, but she was Finn’s mother. She tells Steffy not to let Sheila’s death interfere with her marriage. Steffy gives Hope a glaring look.